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Remembrance: Understanding Canadian History Through Literature


A book club novel study for senior academic English and/or History students focusing on Canada’s role – at home and abroad - in the two world wars.


The purposes of this unit are to allow students:

  • to share, with a small group of peers, their experience with a Canadian war novel
  • to learn how literature serves as a valuable expression and record of history
  • to recognize and express how literature presents the stories of Canada differently from historic records or history texts
  • to...
Military History

The Great War Simulation Activity


Groups of students are faced with the difficulties of logistics through prioritizing supplies needed to sustain soldiers after a devastating raid on their trench during the Great War. Students must think critically to decide between the competing needs of their soldiers. A discussion of the realities faced by decision-makers will lead to a better understanding of the requirements of modern industrial warfare.


  • To familiarize students with some of the equipment and supplies needed...
Military History

Artifact Creation Activity


Students will pursue research in an area of their choice (or within teacher set guidelines) to create a pseudo-historical artifact.


  • For students to gain an appreciation of the value of historical artifacts and documents
  • For students to gain familiarity with primary sources
  • For students to learn how to read various visual texts including historical artifacts
  • For students to pursue a large scale, kinaesthetic project
  • To bring history alive and have students develop a deeper...
Military History

Technology in World War One: Arms Auction


This lesson introduces technology used in World War One in an interactive and fun way. Students will learn what weapons were important in trench warfare.


Students will work collaboratively to identify and "acquire" weapons they think would have been most effective.


This lesson is normally presented after the students have been introduced to the causes of World War One. However, the actual conditions of trench warfare have not been discussed - their choices in the...

Using the Minutes to Think Critically


The Heritage Minutes illustrate the possibilities of story-telling. This critical thinking exercise will help guide you through the deconstruction of four Heritage Minutes: Peacemaker, Vikings, John Cabot, and Jacques Cartier. The activities can be easily adapted to any of the Heritage Minutes you want to use in your classroom.


An invaluable skill for any student is the ability to critically examine available historical evidence and develop an awareness of its possibilities, as...

Valour Road


This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Valour Road." By coincidence, 3 of the 69 Canadian men who were awarded the Victoria Cross in the First World War had grown up on the same street in Winnipeg. This street was renamed Valour Road in their honour.


The "Valour Road" Heritage Minute is a good starting place for students to learn about the horrors of war and consider the great personal sacrifices that soldiers made.

By coming up with their own film treatments and...

John McCrae


This lesson is based on viewing the John McCrae Heritage Minute, which shows Canadian Army surgeon John McCrae writing the famous poem, "In Flanders Fields."


Students will discuss the meaning, imagery, language and message of the poem, "In Flanders Fields."

Students will study the poem, "In Flanders Fields" and discuss its language, imagery, and message. They will compare this poem with other poems about the First World War, and discuss whether they contain realistic...



This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Winnie," which recounts the true story of the Canadian soldier's bear that became the inspiration for writer A.A. Milne.


Students will discuss the cultural importance of meaningful symbols by looking at how animals are personified and anthropomorphized in literature and popular culture.

Secondary students can often learn a great deal about common literary themes and devices through exploring childrens' stories. These...

Halifax Explosion


This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Halifax Explosion," which focuses on the heroic act of Vince Coleman, who died while alerting a passenger train about the explosion in Halifax harbour on December 6, 1917.


Using the example of Vince Coleman, students will discuss the definition of a hero. Do heroes have to be famous? What role do heroes play in society? Students will also imagine how Coleman's children might have felt about his actions, and how the people he...

Remembrance Day: Integrated Arts Lesson Plan


Start this activity by introducing your students to Canadian writer John McCrae with the Heritage Minute about his poem "In Flanders Field" and to the Unknown Soldier by reading "Waiting in Line" from Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul (text below).

Waiting in Line"

As I approached the Peace Tower at the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa I saw it: a line of orderly, polite, patient, Canadians - waiting. Without a word, I joined the line and many more followed. The young man in front...

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