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Hart et Papineau (Minutes du patrimoine)


Apprenez-en davantage sur l’évolution de la démocratie au Canada.

Les élèves pourront approfondir leurs connaissances sur les problèmes qu’ont pu et que peuvent encore rencontrer les différentes communautés ethniques et culturelles du Canada.


Les élèves seront invités à analyser la Minute Hart et Papineau sous différents angles.
Ils seront amenés à comprendre l’évolution de la démocratie au Canada.

Les élèves seront invités à se pencher sur le sort qu'on connu les différentes...

Hart & Papineau


This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Hart & Papineau." Under the tenure of Louis-Joseph Papineau, the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada passed a bill in 1832 that ultimately guaranteed full rights to people practicing the Jewish faith. It was the first of the British colonies to do so.


After discussing and making sense of the events that take place in the "Hart and Papineau" Minute, students will watch additional related Heritage Minutes to develop their...
Political History

J.S. Woodsworth


This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute: "J.S. Woodsworth." J.S. Woodsworth helped create Canada's social security system. His combination of leadership, determination, and an unrelenting desire for social reform changed the lives of all working Canadians.


Students will briefly describe the history and importance of J. S. Woodsworth and will identify his achievements and how they affected Canada’s political system.

Students will create mind maps and engage in a...

Showing all 3 Learning Tools