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Histoire militaire
Photo de profil de Thomas Dykes Créé par
Thomas Dykes

An ABC of Canada in the First World War

This learning tool explores Canada's role in the First World War.

Included are:
- A guide to using the learning tool
- An ABC of Canada in the First World War I with research prompts
- Two games titled A Family Affair and Just-A-Minute

Hart et Papineau (Minutes du patrimoine)


Apprenez-en davantage sur l’évolution de la démocratie au Canada.

Les élèves pourront approfondir leurs connaissances sur les problèmes qu’ont pu et que peuvent encore rencontrer les différentes communautés ethniques et culturelles du Canada.


Les élèves seront invités à analyser la Minute Hart et Papineau sous différents angles.
Ils seront amenés à comprendre l’évolution de la démocratie au Canada.

Les élèves seront invités à se pencher sur le sort qu'on connu les différentes...

Remembrance Through Making a Student Minute

One of the biggest criticisms our veterans have of “younger” generations is their lack of remembrance. One could argue that the reason younger generations struggle with the concept of remembrance is a lack of personal connection. The intent of this project is to make remembrance personal for the students by having them produce a Student Heritage Minute. The research that comes with this project brings the identity and character of the deceased soldier to the students first hand.



The Push/Pull Factors Involved in European Immigration to Canada at the Turn of the 20th Century


Demonstrates knowledge of the push-pull factors involved in European immigration to Canada at the turn of the 20th century. Includes an understanding of the diversity of experiences according to country of origin, gender, religion, government, climate, occupation, and social class.


Time Allowance:
One class for set up and introduction. One class for beginning poster production. Specified homework time for homework.

Demonstrates knowledge of the push-pull factors...
Histoire des peuples autochtones

Storybook Legends


This project is designed to be an introduction to mythology utilizing local history and culture. The project will involve elders telling local legends to students and then collaborating with students on producing a storybook with illustrations of the legend as told to them by the elders. This project demonstrates the traditional working relationship of First Nations people – elders sharing their wisdom with the students in turn interpreting the history and culture taught to them. The...
Histoire politique

Prime Ministers of Canada


The student will identify Canada’s Prime Ministers since Confederation and place the Prime Ministers along a time line. The student will report on important events in the life of a Prime Minister. The student will report a significant contribution that the Prime Minister has made to the development of Canada. The student will produce a piece of art/drama that has relevance to the life of the Prime Minister.


This is a researched based project. The students will use secondary...

Madame La Bolduc


This lesson is based on viewing the Madame La Bolduc biography from The Canadians series. It explores the personality and career of Mary Travers Bolduc, who was one of Québec's greatest singing sensations. She was one of the first recording artists to give the Québecois a sense of pride in their language.


With a variety of writing and role-playing activities, students will consider the accomplishments of La Bolduc. Students will reflect on her career within its historical...

Step into History


This exercise presents an historic photograph for your students to recreate, or step into. The photo of The Last Spike shows many of the key people involved with building the Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR), some unidentified people, and a young boy who is poking his head through the crowd. This photograph was taken on the dreary morning of 7 November 1885 at Craigellachie, British Columbia at the western entrance to Eagle Pass.

In this lesson, students will become actors in the...

Designing Heritage Artwork


A lesson plan that gives students a chance to celebrate their heritage and have fun at the same time.


  • to explore and define the meaning of heritage
  • to examine how postage stamps or tattoos create and deliver their messages visually
  • to have students design their own heritage stamp, tattoo or other piece of art


Time Allowance:
45 minutes - 1 hour


Defining heritage: Have students watch some of the Historica Canada Heritage Minutes. What information is each of...

Margaret "Ma" Murray


This lesson is based on viewing the Ma Murray biography from The Canadiansseries. Murray became a legend in Canadian journalism despite her terrible grammar and spelling. Although her stories did occasionally generate public criticism, Murray had a loyal audience of readers.


Ma Murray was a strong, independent woman who spoke her mind no matter what the consequences. She even made things up for a good story. The following activities question what we can learn from Murray's brand...

Memento Mori: Bringing the Classroom to the Cemetery


Early graveyards offer the educator a unique opportunity to employ primary historical information to engage and excite students as they learn about their local history. Information gained from the stones relating to birth and death dates, surnames, and family relationships have a practical application in the study of history. Gravestones should also be viewed as a form of expression capable of providing insight into aspects of eighteenth and nineteenth century life. The visual...
Histoire militaire

Over the Top: Battle of the Somme


During World War I, trench warfare was used and often caused the momentum of the war to reach a standstill. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. At the Battle of the Somme, the allies sought to shatter the German trenches with a massive attack and win the war. The first day of this battle holds the record for the most losses in a single day.


To have students develop a better appreciation of the physical efforts made by soldiers when going "over the top." To get students out of...
Histoire sociale

Stewart James


This lesson is based on viewing the Stewart James biography from The Canadians series. This Ontario born trickster made a name for himself around the world as the greatest inventor of magical tricks and puzzles that ever lived. His name lives on in magical circles years after his death and is spoken of with the greatest possible respect.


In a variety of activities, students will study the life of Stewart James and his world of magic. Students will also look at the strange genius...
Histoire sociale

People That Change the World - Trading Cards


This lesson focuses on understanding what Margaret Mead meant by her famous quote: "Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever does."


The aim of this lesson is to teach the students the following:

  • to be able to research successfully using the Internet establishing authority of source.
  • to be able to define and provide examples of change.
  • to be able to glean important statistics and quotes.
  • to visually...
Histoire militaire

Seeing Red: The Battle of the Somme


The primary goal of this lesson is to help students to understand the importance of the Battle of the Somme during the First World War and its effects on Canada and Newfoundland.


  • Students will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of a specific aspect of the Great War
  • To familiarize students with the military contributions and human sacrifice of the Newfoundland Regiment in the Great War
  • To enhance the students’ understanding of the inherent difficulties and deplorable...

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