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Historica Canada Education Portal

Snapshot in Time - A Wartime Memory

  • Military History
  • Intermediate – Middle School

This lesson plan was created by members of Historica Canada’s teacher community. Historica Canada does not take responsibility for the accuracy or availability of any links herein, and the views reflected in these learning tools may not necessary reflect those of Historica Canada. We welcome feedback regarding the content that may be linked to or included in these learning tools; email us at


The focus of the project is for students to create a postcard from the past. The aim for students will involve three steps.
• First to interview a grandparent or great grandparent about a memory. This memory may express what life was like for them as a child or perhaps a wartime memory.
• Second will be to obtain a photograph of the grandparent or great grandparent that will be used on the postcard. This may be achieved using a photograph, scanned photograph or drawing.
• Third will be to collate the interview information and to write the postcard in the first person expressing the memory that has been collected.


• To develop good interview questions using the five W’s.
• To interview a family member to record a memory.
• To collate the information and write a brief memory in the first person containing significant information about the person and the event.
• To obtain and scan a photograph using a scanner.
• To use Microsoft Word to create a postcard using the postcard template.


Time Allowance:
The project will run for twelve one hour periods


Period 1:

Students should have an understanding of local and family history.

Period 2:

Discussion on what life was like for their older relatives as youths. Use period songs and pictures.

Period 3:

Invite a local reporter to attend class and discuss interviewing techniques to help guide students for the project.

Period 4:

Teach/Review Questioning Techniques: Practice with their peers using their lifetime or sports event to practice the technique.

Period 5:

Teach/Review interview techniques: Discuss whether one would use video, cassette, paper and pencil; how to make the subject feel comfortable, and alert them to sensitivities that may illicit poor memories for some people. Set the interview assignment due in approximately 3-4 days, preferably a long weekend project.

Period 6:

Research the internet for archival photos to assist in presentation. Alert them to newspaper and book research possibilities for other photos. 

Periods 7 & 8:

Introduce the students to Creating Post Cards from the Past. Lead them through the instructions, give a handout of directions, and give time for in class interaction.

Period 9:

Discuss voice and how they should pretend to be their relative and write in the first person for their story. Provide sample work of first person written material.

Period 10:

Scan in subject photos or archival photo. As scanning will take time, students could begin to organize the format for their postcard memory.

Periods 11 & 12:

Sharing Time: Students will begin to read their memory to their classmates and use the memory to further discuss Canada's history.


• Textbook
• Computer Laboratory and Classroom computer
• Tape recorder (optional) and tapes
• Microsoft Word
• Postcard Template
• Scanner
• Sample of good interview questions (five W’s)
• Sample of written work in the first person point of view.
• Parents, Grandparents and Family members
• Senior Citizens
• Veterans
• Teacher
• Reporters

Host a Memory Project speaker in the classroom to help facilitate an interview subject.