Residential Schools in CanadaResidential schools were government-sponsored religious schools established to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian society. Successive Canadian governments used legislation to strip Indigenous peoples of basic human and legal rights, dignity and integrity, and to gain control over the peoples, their lands and natural rights and resources. The Indian Act, first introduced in 1876, gave the Canadian government license to control almost every aspect of...
Treaties in Canada Beginning in the early 1600s, the British Crown (later the Government of Canada) entered into a series of treaties with Indigenous nations in Canada. The treaties were intended as formal agreements to encourage peaceful relations and to specify promises, obligations and benefits for both parties. Indigenous peoples wanted to protect their traditional lands, resources, and ways of life, while ensuring peace and friendship, and eventually receiving support as they shifted to...
Sir George-Étienne Cartier Heritage Minute This learning tool complements Historica Canada’s Sir George-Étienne Cartier Heritage Minute by exploring the role of Cartier in the negotiations surrounding Canada’s Confederation. The role that Sir George-Étienne Cartier played in uniting the provinces of Canada is so extensive that it was impossible to choose only one achievement to commemorate. Therefore, the Heritage Minute features a series of Cartier’s notable accomplishments.
The Heritage Minutes illustrate the possibilities of story-telling. This critical thinking exercise will help guide you through the deconstruction of four Heritage Minutes: Peacemaker, Vikings, John Cabot, and Jacques Cartier. The activities can be easily adapted to any of the Heritage Minutes you want to use in your classroom.
An invaluable skill for any student is the ability to critically examine available historical evidence and develop an awareness of its possibilities, as...
This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Soddie," that focuses on the realities that immigrants in the 1880's faced when they arrived on the Canadian Prairie.
Students will explore the myths and realities of immigration in the 1880s. Students will create posters and speeches "selling" the idea of immigration, and will role-play the experiences that immigrants would have had once they arrived on the Canadian Prairie.
Students will compare Clifford Sifton's immigration...
This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Orphans," that tells the story of the Québec families who adopted Irish orphans in the 1850's.
Students will learn more about the experiences and histories of immigrants in Canada by interviewing people in the community and classmates. They will also discuss ways to make immigrants feel welcome in their new homes.
Students will research the history of various immigrant groups in Canada, and discuss the relationship between...
This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Hart & Papineau." Under the tenure of Louis-Joseph Papineau, the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada passed a bill in 1832 that ultimately guaranteed full rights to people practicing the Jewish faith. It was the first of the British colonies to do so.
After discussing and making sense of the events that take place in the "Hart and Papineau" Minute, students will watch additional related Heritage Minutes to develop their...
This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Underground Railroad." Between 1840 and 1860, thousands of American slaves fled to Canada using the organized secret network of people and safe houses called the "Underground Railroad."
After careful examination of the "Underground Railroad" Heritage Minute, students will examine the broader theme of refugees. They will discuss Canada's role in providing refuge, and research the history and experiences of refugees from...
This lesson is based on viewing the Peacemaker Heritage Minute. Centuries ago, the five Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Nations created the Iroquois Confederacy that bound these nations together in peace and unity. The origins of this Confederacy are explained in the legend of the Tree of Great Peace.
Students will focus on the storytelling aspects within the "Peacemaker" Heritage Minute, to consider the story's meaning, message, and symbolism. Teachers may want to use this lesson as...
This lesson is based on viewing the Heritage Minute, "Basketball." Canadian teacher, Dr. James Naismith, invented Basketball over 100 years ago when he hung a peach basket on a gym wall.
Students will develop their creative thinking and writing skills by writing about the first ever basketball game, or by devising a new game.
Using the story of James Naismith as the starting point, students can either research and write about other Canadian inventions, or other moments in...
This lesson is based on viewing the Bluenose Heritage Minute, which portrays the champion Bluenose schooner racing against an American ship in the 1938 race.
Students will discuss the significance of the Bluenose as a recognizable Canadian symbol, and they will research the history of the Atlantic cod fishery.
Students will discuss two of the themes that emerge in the story of the Bluenose: Canada's relations with the United States, and Canada's resource based economy.
This lesson is based on viewing the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Heritage Minute, which focuses on the early years of this inventor who designed and build the first snowmobiles and Ski-doos.
In the following activities, students will imagine they are inventors. They will invent a solution to a transportation problem, and write an autobiographical account of their achievements.
Like successful entrepreneurs and businesses, students will identify needs in their community and come up...
This lesson is based on viewing the John McCrae Heritage Minute, which shows Canadian Army surgeon John McCrae writing the famous poem, "In Flanders Fields."
Students will discuss the meaning, imagery, language and message of the poem, "In Flanders Fields."
Students will study the poem, "In Flanders Fields" and discuss its language, imagery, and message. They will compare this poem with other poems about the First World War, and discuss whether they contain realistic...
This lesson is based on viewing the "Maurice "Rocket" Richard" Heritage Minute. Richard was a legendary hockey player for the Montréal Canadiens. He won numerous trophies, and set several records during his 18-year career.
Students will research changes in sports to understand historical change, and they will research and write biographies of their favourite sports stars.
Students will write sports stories; think critically about the idolization of sports stars; and analyze the...
This lesson is based on viewing the Inukshuk Heritage Minute, which depicts an RCMP officer watching a group of Inuit build an Inukshuk in the year 1931.
Students will learn about the "traditional" Inuit way of life and cultural expression.
These activities are intended to give students an appreciation and understanding of the Inuit culture and "traditional" way of life, as well as an understanding of how new technologies might alter Inuit culture.